The cheapest auto insurance always depends on two things, you and the car you want to insure. Insurance rates are determined by risk, and if you keep your car and you at low-risk, your rates will be lower.
When searching for the best deal keep in mind that comparing rates, is only the beginning of the process.
The easiest way to find the cheapest auto insurance, is by starting with a comparison, which nowadays is done on the Internet. You can take help of an online insurance web aggregator. You can get free insurance quotes instantly and comparison services as well, that will directly help you in choosing the best.
Apart from this, an agent/broker may have the cheapest car Insurance. Many times after ordering insurance on the Internet, a letter is issued with a corrected amount. This can be because the something was wrong while entering the details in the system, the driving records weren’t checked, or all of the car information wasn’t correct. An agent is usually more reliable, when the actual purchase of auto insurance is made. They will also be up front about discounts, when you ask.
Choose the insurance package that is the minimum required for you, and go from there adding the options you desire.
There are basically two types of insurance available for car:
Third-party insurance: Third-Party only car insurance policy is an insurance cover which insures you against all the third party legal liabilities which may arise due to any mishap such as a road accident involving your car. In fact, every vehicle on the road is required to have atleast this coverage.
Comprehensive insurance plan: A complete plan for the vehicle includes, not only for the loss/damage from third parties but also for the loss/damage of the vehicle due to natural or man-made disasters.
Some of the Factors that determine your car insurance price are:
1) The insurance providers check your driving history and claim records.
2) All the insurance companies take the age of car and its required coverage into consideration while calculating the final car insurance price. It can be expensive to get a new car repaired or replaced.
3) The type of car which includes car make, model and variant you want to insure is an important factor in determining policy coverage and its premium amount. You can get cheap car insurance for basic cars but for luxury cars the premium is usually on a higher side because of the cost involved in repair and replacement of parts, and their availability.
4) The purpose of using your car will also decide the car insurance policy premium. Whether the insured car will be used for commercial purpose or personal purpose, this needs to be disclosed to the insurer. Misinformation can also lead to rejection of claims in future.
5) You can get additional benefits to enhance your car insurance policy coverage. It includes additional benefits like zero depreciation, emergency roadside assistance, etc. And if you opt for these benefits the premium slightly increases but your out-of-pocket expenses also become negligible.
Owning and maintaining a car is a costly affair, you need to make sure that it has all the necessary protection in the right form of insurance coverage. While driving your vehicle various risks can arise and an adequate car insurance plan can save you from the troubles that may arise.
Therefore, it is suggested that even when choosing the cheapest car insurance policy, you do not compromise on selecting the coverage benefits, do not just go by the premium.